中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson11 : [仮定法マスター]

Lesson11の学習ポイント 仮定法マスター

1. お金があればそれを買えるのに。(仮定法ではなく直接法)
2. もしもお金があれば買えるのに。(お金がないから買えないのが現実)
4. もしもお金があったらいいのにな。(お金がない現実)
5. もしもお金があったらよかったのにな。(お金がなかった過去)
6.  まるでお金があるように。(お金がないのにあるような空想)

1. 実際に起こりうる事を表す場合の表し方 : 直接法

If I have money, I can buy it.
{ If + S +動詞現在形~~、S + 助動詞+動詞原型 }if節は条件を表す副詞節

2. 事実とは異なる起こりえない現在の状況の表し方 : 仮定法過去 (時制は過去)

If I had money, I could buy it.
{  If + S + 動詞過去形~~、S + 助動詞+動詞原型 }

3. 事実とは異なる起こりえなかった過去の状況の表し方 : 仮定法過去完了 (時制は過去完了)

もしもお金があったら買えたのに。 (お金がなかったから買えなかったのが過去の事実)
If I had had money, I could have bought it.
{  If + S + 過去完了~~、S + 助動詞過去形+have +過去分詞 }

4. 現実の事実とは異なる願望の表し方

I wish I had money.
{ I wish + 仮定法過去 }

5. 過去の事実とは異なる願望の表し方

I wish I had had money.
{ I wish + 仮定法過去完了 }

6. 事実とは異なる空想の表し方

He behaves as if he had much money.
{ S + V + as if + S + 仮定法過去 }

He behaves as if he had had much money.
{ S + V + as if 仮定法過去完了 }



11.  Kenはあたかも映画スターだったかの様に振る舞います。
12. 彼女はまるで何でも知っているかのように話します。
13. 彼はあたかもお化けでも見たかのように見えます。
14. 明日天気が良かったら、私達は釣りに行きます
15. 天気が良かったら、私達は釣りに行けたのに

正解と解説 :
1.  If I won the lottery, I could buy a house in Hawaii.
2.  If I had won the lottery, I could have bought a house in Hawaii.
3.  What would you like to do if you were ten years younger?
4.  If you had called me, I would have picked you up at the airport.
5.  If he had done his best, he could have won the game.
6.  If I hadn`t studied economics, I couldn`t have understood his lecture.
7.  If he had written the book in his native land, he would be in prison now. 仮定法過去完了+仮定法過去
8.  I wish I had a map.
9.  I wish I had brought a map.
10. Ken behaves as if he were a movie star.
11. Ken behaves as if he had been a movie star.
12. She speaks as if she knew everything.
13. He looks as if he had seen a ghost.
14. If it is fine tomorrow, we will go fishing.           仮定法の文章ではなく1の直説法です。
15. If it had been fine, we would have gone fishing.    仮定法の文章です。


日本文 :
キャロルは「楽しい休日だった。大人だったら学校へ行かなくてもいいのに。 そしたら永遠にここに居られるのにな。」と話します。 

英文 :
Carol       : Oh, grandma.
                 I `ve had a great (① h     ).I wish I ( ②   ) older and ( ③  ) have to go back to school.
                 I wish I (  ④   ) stay here forever.
Grandma : You talk ( ⑤  ) ( ⑥  ) you didn`t want to go home, Carol.
Carol       : I do really. But I wish I (  ⑦  ) rich ( e  ⑧  ) to come to England every year.
Grandma : Well, maybe you`ll come to university in (  ⑨    ). Oxford, perhaps?

正解と解説 :
① holiday
② were
③ didn`t
④ could
⑤⑥ as if
⑦ were
⑧ England


The Kepler Spacecraft was launched by NASA ( ② ) March 2009. This spacecraft is part of the Kepler Mission, ( ③ ) is part of NASA`s Discovery Program series. Through this mission, NASA hope to find life on other planets.
      The Kepler Spacecraft will look for planets for the next three and a half years. ④Its goal is ( ⑤ ) find planets about the same size ( ⑥ ) Earth or smaller around other stars. The hope is ⑦that water and life could exist on these planets. ⑧It does this by⑨( look for ) changes in the temperatures and states of stars.
The spacecraft has a telescope ( ⑩ ) very strong digital sensors. It makes its own power using solar panels.
      The program`s leader says ( ⑪find, hundreds of, the mission, around stars, could ). “Even if we found no planets like Earth, ⑫that fact by itself would be important,” he says. “ It would mean ⑬that we are probably alone in space.” People around the world are waiting to learn about the mission`s findings.

① 能動態の文章に書き換えましょう。
② 前置詞を入れましょう。
③ 適当な関係詞を入れましょう。
④ 具体的に何を表していますか?英語で答えましょう。
⑤ 適語を入れましょう。
⑥ 適語を入れましょう。
⑦⑬ thatの使い方は同じですか?使い方を説明しましょう。
⑧ 何を指していますか?
⑨ 適当な形に変えましょう。
⑩ 適当な前置詞を入れましょう。
⑪ 単語を並び替えて、意味の通る文章にしましょう。(other planets を加える事。)
⑫ 具体的に何を指していますか?日本語で説明しましょう。
⑬ Please answer the following questions in English.
    a. What does NASA hope through Kepler Mission?
    b. How does the spacecraft make its own power?
    c. According to the program`s leader, what does finding no planets like Earth mean?

正解と解説 :
① NASA launched the Kepler Spacecraft.
② in
③ which   カンマがあるのでthatは不可です。
④ The Kepler Spacecraft
⑤ to
⑥ as
⑦⑬ 同じではありません。 ⑦補語を導くthat .  ⑬2文を繋ぐ接続詞のthat
⑧ The Kepler Spacecraft.
⑨ looking for
⑩ with
⑪ the mission could find hundreds of other planets around stars
⑫ 地球に似た惑星が存在しないという事実。
⑬ a.  It hopes to find life on other planets.
    b.  It makes its own power using solar panels.
    c.  It means that we are probably alone in space.

     After they began to work together, Tycho found ①that Kepler was ②(e ) more intelligent than( ③   ). Tycho feared ④that if he⑤(give) Kepler access to his data, Kepler⑥(may) become more famous than he ( ⑦  ). Therefore, he kept much of his data (⑧ hide ).Kepler was unhappy⑨that he could not gain access to Tycho`s data. He once wrote to a friend.
“ My opinion of Tycho is this: he is very rich, but he doesn`t know (  ⑩    ) , like most rich people.
Therefore, one must try to take his riches away from him.
      As they worked together, Tycho showed Kepler only a small part of his data. (  ⑪  ) , the small part ⑫that Kepler saw was very important for his research. Kepler was trying to learn about the orbit of Mars. Most researchers, including Tycho, thought ⑬that Mars`s orbit was a circle, like ⑭that of the other planets.
      (   ⑪   ) , through his mathematical research, Kepler (s ⑮ )⑯that Mars` orbit was not a circle( ⑰ )an ellipse. The small amount of data ⑱that Tycho showed Kepler helped to support him.

①④⑬⑯「 that  」の使い方は皆同じですか?違うものがあればその番号を書きましょう。
② more を強調する単語が入ります。
③ 「 彼が思ったよりも 」という意味になるよう3語補いましょう。
⑤⑥ 仮定法の使い方を考えて適切な形にしましょう。
⑦(  )にはいる適語はどれでしょう?
    a.  is          b.  had been       c.  was
⑧ 適当な形にしましょう。
⑨⑫⑬「 that  」の使い方は皆同じですか?違うものがあればその番号を書きましょう。
⑩「 それの適切な使い方  」という意味になるよう7語で英作しましょう。
⑪ 接続詞が入ります。どれでしょうか?
    a.  therefore       b,  then        c.  however
⑭「 that  」は何を示しているでしょうか?
⑮「 疑う 」という意味の動詞を入れましょう。
⑰ 適語を入れましょう。
⑱ Answer the following questions in English.
    a.  When Tycho and Kepler began to work together, was Kepler more famous than Tycho?
    b.  Why didn`t Tycho give Kepler access to his data?
    c.  What helped Kepler to think that the Mar`s orbit was an ellipse?


sight, lottery, lay-laid-laid, engine, lay down, cracker, supply, starve, choice, distance, prison, forever, as if, silent, behave, quarrel, as though, spacecraft, launch, mission, discovery, series, telescope, sensor, power, solar, panel, finding, astronomer, intelligence, astronomy, planetary, motion, magnetic, engage, observation, data, assistant, fear, access, proper, orbit, Mars, mathematical, suspect, impact, writing, gravity, bear, make use of~~, refer to~~,


★ 仮定法の使い方マスター



SINCE 1985
