中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson10 : [A : はじめての関係代名詞 B : 否定疑問文とは?]

A : はじめての関係代名詞
B : 否定疑問文とは?

A : 関係代名詞    

①who,  ②which,  ③whom   ④that   ⑤関係代名詞省略
例;a boy who plays the piano ・・・ピアノを弾く少年
関係代名詞「who」の前の修飾される名詞「a boy」は「先行詞」と呼ぶ。

① who

I know a boyHe speaks French.
I know a boy who speaks French.

② which

We went to the restaurant. The restaurant is famous for its Italian food.

We went to the restaurant which is famous for its Italian food.

③ whom

Tom is a newscaster.  My sister married Tom.

Tom whom my sister married is a newscaster.
先行詞がものの場合はwhich, that を使用、or関係代名詞が省略されることも多い。

 ④  that

This is the first novel. The author wrote it in English.

This is the first novel that the author wrote in English.
●必ずthat を使う場合は、先行詞が以下の場合;
「 the first, the last, the only, the same 」で限定されている。
「 all , every 」で強調されている。
「 anything, everything, nothing 」
「 人+動物 」 「 人+ もの 」
例外 : I think you are the only one who can solve the problem.
先行詞にthe only」があっても関係代名詞「who 」が使用される事あり。

 ⑤ 省略 関係代名詞に導かれる節のなかで関係代名詞が目的語の場合は省略できる。
English is an international language( which ) children have to learn. 
 B : 否定疑問文  「 ~しないのですか? 」 「 ~ではないのですか?」の意味の疑問文。」答え方は、日本語と英語、異なるので、注意しましょう。


Don`t you go on a diet?
No, I don`t.


Aren`t you busy?
Yes, I`m busy.  日本語は「いいえ」、英語では「yes」です。


1. 以下の2文を関係代名詞を使って1文にして訳しましょう。関係代名詞を省略できる文も答えましょう。

a. I have a cousin.  He can ski very well.
b. This is the book. He sent it to me last week.
c. We like the student. Our teacher introduced him to us.
d. This is the first picture. Tom painted the picture.
e. I saw a boy and a dog. They were running in the park.
f. She was the only girl.  She could play the piano.
g. Please tell me the best movie. You saw it last year.

正解と解説 :
a. I have a cousin who can ski very well.私にはスキーが上手ないとこがいる。
b. This is the book which ( that ) he sent to me last week. これは先週彼が私に送ってくれた本です。
c. We like the student whom ( who ) our teacher introduced to us. 先生が私達に紹介した生徒を私達は好きです。
d. This is the first picture that Tom painted.   これはトムが描いた最初の絵です。
e. I saw a boy and a dog that were running in the park.    私は公園で走る犬と少年を見た。
f. She was the only girl that ( who ) could play the piano.   彼女はピアノを弾けるただ一人の少女でした。
g. Please tell me the best movie that you saw last year.  あなたが去年見た最高の映画を私に教えて下さい。

関係代名詞を省略できる文 :
b,  c,  d,  g   ( 関係代名詞が導く文章内で先行詞が目的語になるもの。)

テストに出るかも?  復習問題


Dear  Chon-mee


 Thank you ( ① ) the photos. Here are some for you. (② took, near my house, in the park, I,
last week, these photos ) . I went there with a girl ( ③ ) studies with me at school. Look at the first picture. ④The girl with long hair is my friend May. We drove to the park ( ⑤ ) her sister`s car. ⑥We took the road that runs along the coast. The views were beautiful.⑦ I will send you some more photos soon.  ( ⑧ )( ⑧  ),   


① 適当な前置詞を入れましょう。
② 意味の通る文章に並び替えましょう。
③ 適当な関係代名詞を入れましょう。
④ The girl with long hair,の文書を 関係代名詞を使って書き換えましょう。
⑤ 適当な前置詞を入れましょう。
⑥ 関係代名詞を使わないもともとの2文に書き換えましょう。
⑦ この文章は第4文型です。第3文型に書き換えましょう。
⑧ 英文手紙の終わりに使われる挨拶の単語を2語、入れましょう。

正解と解説 :
① for
② I took these photos last week in the park near my house.
③ who
④ The girl who has long hair
⑤ in
⑥ We took the road.  The road runs along the coast.
⑦ I will send some more photos to you soon.
⑧ Best regards

Yuko  : What is the most ( ①おいしい ) thing (  ②  ) you ③ate in the US?
Candy : My (④ お気に入り ) was the special dinner that ⑤I have in Chinatown last week.
May   : Yeah, Chinese food is good here, but it is (  ⑥  ) in China. (⑦ Chinese, as good as, is,Japanese food ). I liked everything Yuko made for lunch last Sunday.
Candy : ( ⑧  アメリカ料理は好きじゃないの), May?
May   : ( ⑨ はい、好きじゃないの。)
Yuko  : That was American food, May!  It was Californian sushi.

① 単語を書きましょう。
② 適切な関係代名詞を入れましょう。
④ 単語を書きましょう。
⑤ 間違いが一か所あります。訂正しましょう。
⑦ 意味が通る文章になるよう並び替えましょう。
⑧ 英作しましょう。
⑨ 英作しましょう。
⑩ 以下の質問に英語で答えましょう。
    a.  Where did Candy have special dinner?
    b.  What kind of food did Yuko make for May?

正解と解説 :
① delicious
② that 、 先行詞にthe most があるのでwhich は間違い。
③ have ever eaten
④ favorite
⑤ I have ではなくI had が正しい。関係代名詞の前の文章が過去形です。
⑥ better
⑦ Japanese food is as good as Chinese food.
⑧ Don`t you like American food
⑨ No, I don`t.
⑩ a.  She had special dinner in Chinatown.
    b.  She made Californian sushi for May.

①Once there was ②a deer who lived in the jungle in Indonesia. When he was young, the deer was strong and fast, but now he was ( ③  ) and ( ③  ). Most of the day, and all night, he slept under the tree in the middle of the jungle.
      Usually, the deer slept well. ( ④  ) one night, he suddenly woke up. He wasn`t alone. A jackal (⑤ 横たわっていた )next to him!
“ Hello, “ said the jackal, with a hungry smile. “ “ And ⑥good bye. I`m going to eat you!”
“ Oh, no! “ thought the deer. How can I (⑦逃げる )? I`m old and tired. I can`t run away. I must think carefully. “
 “ Well,” said the jackal. “ Say something! (⑧怖くないのか)?”
 “ Oh, ( ⑨あ~怖いよ! )”said the deer. “ But there is nothing (⑩) I can say. ⑪You are the fastest and the strongest and the dangerousest  animal ( ⑩ ) I know. Of course you are going to ( ⑫  ) me.”
 “ The fastest and the strongest ? “asked the jackal. He was very proud, so ⑬he felt good when the deer praised him.

① このonce と同じ使い方がされている文章は以下のどれでしょうか?
    a I try to swim once a week.
    b She was once a beauty.
    c I have not talked to her once.
② 間違いがあります。訂正しましょう。
③ 空欄に入る適語を文中から探しましょう。
④ 空所に入る適切な接続詞はどれでしょうか?
    a.  Moreover   b.  However     c.  Therefore     d.  Because
⑤ 英作しましょう。
⑥ Why did the jackal say so? Please answer in Japanese.
⑦ 動詞を入れましょう。
⑧ 英作しましょう。
⑨ 英作しましょう。
⑩ 適切な関係代名詞を入れましょう。
⑪ 間違いがあります。訂正しましょう。
⑫ 文意を考えて適切な動詞を入れましょう。
⑬ Why did the jackal feel good?  Answer in English.

正解と解説 :
② who ではなく that か which
③ old, tired
④ b   話の流れから逆説のhoweverが正解です。
⑤ was lying
⑥ 自分がこれから鹿を食べるから。
⑦ escape
⑧ Aren`t you scared
⑨ Yes, I`m scared
⑩ that
⑪ dangerousest は間違いです。 the most dangerous が正解です。
⑫ eat
⑬ Because the deer praised the jackal a lot.


photo, drive-drove, regard, gate, shout, childhood, Italian, machine, deer, record, patient, injure, various,north, south, newscaster, describe, seed, sprout, reply-replied,admire,
shake-shook, international,treasure, shake hands, recently, novel, collection, disappear, interest, diet, anymore, weight, go on a diet,jungle, sleep-slept, middle, wake-woke, jackal, escape, in the middle of~, run away, praise, except, impossible, edge, wisdom, gun, except for, wonder, walking stick, right away, eggshell, attack, bang, shoot-shot, stone-dead, wise, dead, blond, ribbon, attention, jeans, round, sunglasses, polka-dotted, striped,checked, straw,


★ 関係代名詞の使い方
★ 否定疑問文の作り方、答え方
★ 外見の表し方 : What does she look like?   She is in a red dress.   



SINCE 1985
