中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson13:[色々な文章 A,B,C]

Lesson13の学習ポイント 色々な文章 A, B, C
A : 間接疑問文
B : 付加疑問文
C : 感嘆文


Where is the book?  その本はどこ?

I don`t know where my book is.


I don`t know.    私は分からない。



< 練習問題 >

以下の2文を( )内の文章で始まる1文に書き換えましょう。


  1. What does she want for her birthday?   ( I can not imagine. )
  2. Why did you refuse my invitation?     ( Can you tell me ? )
  3. How can I get there?                   ( I wanted to know. )
  4. Why are they so happy?               ( I didn`t know. )
  5. What are they saying?              ( We could not understand. )
  6. 犬はどうやって家に戻ったのかしら?
  7. いつバスが出るのか彼に言った。
  8. 私達はなぜ彼女が学校を休んだのか分からなかった。


  1.  I can not imagine what she wants for her birthday.
  2. Can you tell me why you refused my invitation?
  3. I wanted to know how I could go there.         主節がwanted(過去時制故canもcould.
  4. I didn`t know why there were so happy.          主節がdidn`t (過去時制)故are もwere.
  5. We could not understand what they were saying.     3.4.同様時制の一致。
  6. I wonder how the dog got back home.
  7. I told him when the bus would leave.                時制の一致
  8. We didn`t know why she was absent from school.      時制の一致



This is an interesting story, isn`t it? これは面白いお話です? 
You didn`t sing a song, did you?   あなたは歌を歌わなかったですよね?
Separate the garbage, will you? ごみの分別をしてくれますか?





She can swim, can`t she? 彼女は泳げますよね?
Yes, she can. はい、泳げます。
No, she can`t .  いいえ、泳げません。
She can`t swim, can she?                                  彼女は泳げませんよね。
Yes, she can.



No, she can`t. はい、泳げません


< 練習問題 >


  1. He is a famous actor.
  2. You weren`t at home last night.
  3. Joe and Mary mustn`t stay here.
  4. Let`s go shopping.
  5. Ben has gained weight.
  6. 箱の中にリンゴがないですね。
  7. あなたのお父様はフランス語を流暢に話せますよね。
  8. 恵美はセーターを買わなかったですよね。


  1. He is a famous actor, isn`t he?
  2. You weren`t at home last night, were you?
  3. Joe and Mary mustn`t stay here, must they?       不可疑問文の主語は代名詞
  4. Let`s go shopping, shall we?
  5. Henry has gained weight, hasn`t he?
  6. There aren`t any apples in the box, are there?
  7. Your father can speak French fluently, can`t he?
  8. Emi didn`t buy the sweater, did she?



1.The rainbow is very beautiful.  → How beautiful the rainbow is! ← 感嘆文

          虹はとてもきれいです。   →   なんと美しい虹なの でしょう

                    How + 形容詞 ( 副詞 ) + 主語 + 動詞


2.She has a very expensive car.  → What an expensive car she has!  ← 感嘆文

       彼女は高価な車を持っている。 →   彼女はなんと高価な車を持っているのでしょう

                      What + ( an ) + 形容詞 + 名詞 + 主語 + 動詞

1. 2.の感嘆文の違いは 「名詞があるとwhat」「名詞がないとhow」がポイントです。


< 練習問題 >


  1. You are very cute.
  2. He can swim very fast.
  3. This is an exciting story.
  4. Your mother looks very young.
  5. These are very beautiful flowers.
  6. 彼はなんとわがままな学生なの!
  7. それらはなんと不公平なルールなの!
  8. 今日はなんと暑いの!


  1. How cute you are!
  2. How fast he can swim!
  3. What an exciting story this is!
  4. How young your mother looks!
  5. What beautiful flowers these are!
  6. What a selfish man he is!                          以上!マークを忘れずに!
  7. What unfair rules they are!
  8. How hot it is today!


テストに出るかも? 理解度確認テスト



 America is truly changing. American slaves were① (free ) after the Civil War in 1865,

and the government made new laws. The slaves gained not only their freedom ( ② )(② ) civil

rights. ( ③ ), the people ( ④ ) wanted to keep slaves did not want to accept ⑤these new laws.

In the southern states ( ⑥ )( ⑥ ) Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, state laws were made to

separate “ black “ Americans ( ⑦ ) “ white “ Americans.

 In these states, when black people wanted to use a public toilet, swim in a public pool,

drink from a fountain, ride on a bus or train, or eat at a restaurant, they had to go to areas

( ⑧ ) from white people`s areas. Black people were not ( ⑨ ) to go into the white peoples areas.

 Black Americans were also given the ( ⑩ ) to vote after the Civil War. But in reality,

they⑪ ( for voting, because, government in the southern states, had, made, to vote, chance,

new rules, little ). They had to take difficult tests and pay money in order to vote. Black

Americans had to ( ⑫ )( ⑫ ) (⑫ ) ⑬these unfair conditions even after World War Ⅱ. Many white

people still wondered ⑭why should black people be able to mix with white people.


①  正しい形に変えましょう。

②  適語を入れましょう。

③  空欄に入る接続詞を入れましょう。

④  適当な関係詞を入れましょう。

⑤  具体的にどのようなものでしょうか?日本語で説明しましょう。

⑥ 「~のような」という意味になるよう2語補いましょう。

⑦  適当な前置詞を入れましょう。

⑧  適語を選びましょう。

   a. separating       b, to separate       c. separated

⑨  適語を選びましょう。

   a. allow           b. allowed           c. allowing

⑩  ( )内に入る適語を文中から選びましょう。

⑪  意味の通る文になるように並び替えましょう。

⑫  stand , endure と同じ意味の3語のイディオムを入れましょう。

⑬  具体的にどのような物でしょうか?日本語で説明しましょう。

⑭  間違いがあります。訂正しましょう。



①  freed

②  but also

③  however

④  who ( that )

⑤  黒人に自由と市民権を認める法律

⑥  such as

⑦  from

⑧  c

⑨  b

⑩  right

⑪  little chance to vote because the governments in the southern states made new rules for voting.

⑫  put up with                             耐える

⑬  投票をする為に難しい試験を受けたりお金を払うという条件。

⑭  why black people should be able to mix with white people         間接疑問文



 On December 1, 1955, something happened in Alabama ①that changed the history of

American civil rights. That day, a lady ②( name ) Rosa Parks was on a bus. She was siting

in a seat for black people. When all the seats for white people were ③( take ), the bus driver

said to her, “ Give up your seat to this white man!” She thought, ④“ What a rude man! “ and

refused to do ⑤so. She was arrested.

 Black Americans got angry ( ⑥) this. (⑦ 彼らはなぜ彼女が逮捕されたのか理解できなかった。)

Martin Luther King, Jr, was one of ⑧them. He was a minister at a church in the same city. He

was from a good family, but he was ( ⑨ ) against just because he was black. He became the

leader of a movement (⑩ call ) the “ Montgomery Bus Boycott.”

 In this movement, the black people in Montgomery⑪ decided stopping to ride on the city

buses. They asked the state government for (⑫ 平等な ) rights. In 1956 the Supreme Court

decided ⑬that race discrimination on buses was ( ⑭ 不法 ).


①  関係詞thatの先行詞は?

②  正しい形に書き換えましょう。

③  正しい形に書き換えましょう。

④  この文章は感嘆文ですが2語省略されています。2語補いましょう。

⑤  soとは具体的に何をさしますか?英語で答えましょう。

⑥  前置詞を入れましょう。

⑦  英作しましょう。

⑧  themとは誰の事を指しますか?10語の英語で答えましょう。

⑨  適語を文中から選んで適切な形に書き換えましょう。

⑩  正しい形に書き換えましょう。

⑪  間違いを直しましょう。

⑫  英語にしましょう。

⑬  間違いがあります。直しましょう。

⑭  英語にしましょう。



①  something                                       直前に先行詞があるとは限りません。

②  named

③  taken

④  he is

⑤  To give up her seat in the bus.

⑥  at

⑦  They couldn`t understand why she was arrested.

⑧  Black Americans who couldn`t understand why Rosa Parks was arrested.

⑨  discriminated

⑩  called

⑪  decided to stop riding

⑫  equal

⑬  racial

⑭  illegal



handkerchief, imagine, secretly, overcome, environment, refuse, invitation, side, whole, soda, fluently,

leader, gain, separate, garbage, historic, condition, kindness, crane, ignore, rude, swimmer,

lane, drown, unfair, pumpkin, general, election, relationship, racial, slave, civil rights, southern,

toilet, vote, in reality, put up with, arrest, minister, discriminate, equal, discrimination, gradually,

demonstration, judge, skin, content, not A but B, come true, worm, bitter, action, haste



1.色々な文章 A,間接疑問文  B,付加疑問文  C,感嘆文





SINCE 1985
